Things to Consider in a Safe and Successful Weight-loss Program
25may 2021

To lose weight, we need to change our current habits. This means eating less even when eating a healthy, balanced diet and getting more active.
Choosing a Safe and Successful Weight-Loss Program | Myerlee Pharmacy
More than 70 percent of U.S. adults are overweight. Many of whom are trying to lose the extra pounds through different weight-loss programs. Successful weight loss requires long-term changes to eating habits and physical activity.
Weight Loss Facts
1. Your Body Works Against You
- Weight loss decreases the hormone leptin, which signals the brain that it's full, and increases the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates hunger.
- Drastic calorie cuts yield fat and muscle loss.
2 . There are No Quick Fixes
- Since quick starvation diets can wreak havoc on metabolism, they damage long-term weight loss efforts.
3. Fad Diets Don't Work for Long
- Grapefruit, Maple syrup, Cabbage, Apple-cider vinegar, Juice, and other “miracle” diets are supposed to melt pounds and trigger fat-burning.
- The problem is, people typically lack the desire to eliminate entire food groups or severely limit caloric intake, so eventually a more inclusive, calorically dense way of eating returns.
4. One Diet Does Not Fit All
- Everyone's body is unique, so the diet that works for your friend, coworker, or mother might not work for you.
- When determining the best method to lose weight, consider your health, family history, metabolism, activity level, age, gender, likes, and dislikes.
5. Cardio Is Essential
- Don't skip the strength training, which supports joint health and function. Increased muscle mass slightly boosts metabolism.
6. It's Not a Diet, It's a Lifestyle Change
- To lose weight and keep it off, changed behavior is required for the months and years to follow.
- As your “diet” stops, the pounds you worked so hard to shed are likely to return.
- To experience successful weight loss, make sustainable lifestyle changes.
Choosing a Safe and Successful Weight-Loss Program
A safe and successful weight-loss program includes flexibility, balance and activity.
- Flexibility. A flexible plan doesn't forbid certain foods or food groups but instead includes a variety of foods from all the major food groups. A healthy diet includes vegetables and fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean protein sources, and nuts and seeds.
- Balance. Your plan should include adequate nutrients and calories. Eating large quantities of certain foods, such as grapefruit or meat; drastically cutting calories; or eliminating entire food groups, such as carbs, can cause nutritional problems.
- Activity. Your plan should include physical activity. Exercise plus fewer calories boost weight loss and offer numerous health benefits including countering lost muscle mass that occurs with weight loss.
1. Consult a Doctor with Weight-Loss Efforts
Before starting a weight-loss program, talk to your doctor. Doctors review medical issues and medications that might affect weight and provide guidance. Do you have a health condition, such as diabetes, heart disease, or allergies?
2. Consider Personal Needs
Consider personal preferences, lifestyle, and weight-loss goals. Do you prefer individual weight-loss programs or do you prefer support from a group?
3. Determine a Budget
Some weight-loss programs require the purchase of supplements or meals and visits to weight-loss clinics. Does the cost fit your budget?
4. Reflect on Past Diet Attempts
How did you feel physically and emotionally while on the diet?
Compounded Weight Loss Medication | Myerlee Pharmacy
The Compounding Pharmacy, Myerlee Pharmacy, specializes in compounding hormone therapy that assists in clients' unique weight-loss journies. Not only can we specifically aid in individual efforts to rectify thyroid, adrenal, and insulin glands, but we also help with other general compounding efforts to lose weight, once weight-gain-causing symptoms have subsided.
Myerlee Pharmacy’s main objective to provide physicians and other health care experts with the required resources to help their patients acquire and maintain ideal body weight.
Compounded Weight Loss Medication Benefits
- Appetite suppression.
- Boosted metabolism.
- Compounded weight loss medication can be combined with lifestyle changes to increase effectiveness.
- Weight loss supplements are safe for both men and women when used as directed.
Weight loss treatments should be taken seriously before the use of medications. Your doctor will very carefully evaluate important details.
- Health history
- Determining weight gain issue(s)
- BMI of 30, or could be as low as 27 if there is an illness related to obesity such as diabetes or heart disease
- The doctor's recommendation of lifestyle changes first to determine if a healthy weight can be attained. If these changes do not show to be effective, discuss if medication is the right path for you.
For dieters who have been trying for years to lose weight with limited success, Myerlee Pharmacy, a compounding pharmacy, is here to provide supplements designed to support healthy habits. The team at Myerlee Pharmacy offers weight-loss support and prescription advice.
Discover how weight loss medication can help you reach your goals. Call Myerlee Pharmacy at 239-482-3022 or connect with us online today.
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Myerlee Pharmacy
There are a lot of factors that Myerlee Pharmacy will help you consider when losing weight. Learn more here.