What is Bio-Identical Hormones Replacement Therapy?

10oct 2018
What is Bio-Identical Hormones Replacement Therapy?
Hormones are essential to the body’s proper functioning. It basically tells you the importance of balanced hormones in our body to function to its full potential.

Hormones are the body's messengers made in glands and are secreted in the bloodstream into cell receptors throughout the body.  Hormones are essential to the body’s proper functioning. It basically tells you the importance of balanced hormones in our body to function to its full potential. Imbalanced hormones simply means there is something needed to be fixed in your body not only it triggers fat storage and weight gain , they also cause other symptoms like migraines, loss of libido, a disrupted monthly cycle (for women), menopausal issues and psychological symptoms.


Bio-Identical Hormones Replacement Therapy is the process of re-balancing hormones using natural bio-identical hormones. Bioidentical hormones are man-made hormones derived from plant estrogens that are chemically identical to those the human body produces. BHRT or Bio-Identical Hormones Replacement Therapy can be used to treat people when their hormone levels drop or become unbalanced.


Myerlee Pharmacy uses bioidentical hormones rather than synthetic because synthetics are patented chemicals, and are proven to have deadly side effects including cancer.  Bio-identical hormones, on the other hand, are identical to the body’s naturally produced hormones for our body to function efficiently.


Everyone’s hormone is different, that is why it is important that to run blood or saliva tests in order to determine their unique hormone structures. It will then give us the idea in prescribing just the right formula to balance each one individually.  


BHRT requires unique combinations to work just for you. Myerlee Pharmacy can customize any BHRT formula in several dosage forms depending on the symptom, severity, or your preference. These include vaginal, transdermal, sublingual, & oral capsules. Discuss with your doctor which method is best for you.


You can contact us through 239-482-3022. Our hours of operation is from Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and on Friday we open at 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. We are closed on Saturday & Sunday. You can also visit our website https://www.myerleepharmacy.com for more information.

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MyerLee Pharmacy